What can GoGuardian Admin do?
What level of skill and care is used in providing the Offerings?
How does the company cooperate with the school under FERPA?
What is the definition of Authorized School Personnel?
Are the GoGuardian Offerings effective in detecting or stopping risky behavior?
What is the role of the provider of an Integration Offering?
Who is responsible for value-added services provided by an Authorized Reseller?
Who is responsible for interactions with Integration Offerings?
What is the definition of an Affiliate?
Is the Gallery Content a substitute for professional advice or specific knowledge?
Is Liminex a medical healthcare provider?
Who is responsible for ensuring compliance with the General Acceptable Use Policy?
Who are the third-party beneficiaries of the Agreement?
What actions should the user take to safeguard the students?
Who controls, owns, or operates the hyperlinked websites or resources?