Who is appointed as the agent for charitable donations collected on the Site?
Who does GoFundraise work with?
What support is available for customer service?
What is the purpose of an authorized representative?
Who is responsible for completing and executing the Standard Contractual Clauses?
Who can opt to receive marketing and other communications from GoFundraise?
Does GoFundraise solicit on behalf of non-profit organizations?
What type of organization can register with GoFundraise?
Who is responsible for refunds, chargebacks, or transaction reversals associated with the account?
Who is responsible for indemnifying and defending the Releasees?
What is the user responsible for when setting the receipting language for the receipts issued through the Site?
How can GoFundraise help with online fundraising for events?
What is IRONMAN?
What is Fundraising at Work?
Who is responsible for the regular credit card & PayPal processing fees?