What is the meaning of the title 'Buddha'?
What are some traditional biographies of Siddhārtha Gautama?
What are some other epithets used to describe the Buddha?
When was the term 'Buddha' first mentioned in written records?
When and where was the Buddha born?
Are there any written records about Gautama from his lifetime?
What are some other titles and epithets for the Buddha mentioned in the Pali Canon?
When was the Buddha believed to have lived?
What are some of the earliest biographical fragments of the Buddha?
What are some of the teachings of the Buddha?
What historical sources provide information about the Buddha?
What are some of the early canonical sources that provide biographical information about the Buddha?
How did the Buddha attain enlightenment?
What do the Ashoka edicts mention about the Buddha and Buddhism?
What are the Gandhāran Buddhist texts and where were they found?