What is Gabe Amo's political affiliation?
Where did Gabe Amo study for his Bachelor's degree?
What political party does Gabe Amo belong to?
What positions did Gabe Amo hold in the Obama administration?
Where is Gabe Amo from?
When was Gabe Amo born?
What committee assignments does Gabe Amo have?
Where was Gabe Amo born?
What is Gabe Amo's birth year?
What honors has Gabe Amo received?
What scholarships did Gabe Amo receive?
What caucus memberships does Gabe Amo have?
What positions did Gabe Amo hold in the Biden administration?
Why did Gabe Amo leave his White House job?
Who criticized Gabe Amo for accepting money from federal lobbyists?