What is Futurama Comics?
What is included in each issue of Futurama Comics?
What is the main plot of the second issue of Futurama Comics?
What is the main plot of the fourth issue of Futurama Comics?
What is the format of each issue of Futurama Comics?
When was the first issue of Futurama Comics published?
How often were the Futurama Comics published?
Are there special editions of Futurama Comics?
What is the size of each issue of Futurama Comics?
How often is Futurama Comics published in the United States?
What is the release date of Futurama Comics #1?
What is the release date of Futurama Comics #2?
Who is the owner of Mars Attacks in the second issue of Futurama Comics?
What is the release date of the second issue of Futurama Comics?
What happened to the print edition of Futurama Comics after issue 81?