Where are Friendly's restaurants located?
Who founded Friendly's?
How many restaurants did Friendly's have in 1974?
Who is the current CEO of Friendly's?
How many stores did Friendly's close during the bankruptcy?
What is the current status of Friendly's sale to restaurant group?
Who acquired Friendly's on January 19, 2021?
When did Friendly's close its last location in Rhode Island?
What are the categories that Friendly's belongs to?
Where was the first Friendly's ice cream shop opened?
When did Friendly's announce its second chapter 11 filing and asset sale?
What were some of Friendly's slogans?
Who purchased Friendly from Hershey Foods Corporation?
When did the grocery division of Friendly's parent company file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection?
When did Friendly's file for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection?