Where is FirstEnergy Corp headquartered?
What is the history of FirstEnergy Corp?
What are the subsidiaries and affiliates of FirstEnergy Corp involved in?
How many customers does FirstEnergy Corp serve?
When was FirstEnergy Corp established?
What companies merged to form FirstEnergy?
What was the reason for FirstEnergy Corp's decision to exit the competitive power business?
Which power plants did FirstEnergy announce to close in 2018?
What was the largest investor-owned electric utility in the country before FirstEnergy?
Who is currently serving as interim CEO of FirstEnergy?
How many First Energy utility companies are there?
What steps did FirstEnergy take in 2009 to provide cleaner energy?
When did FirstEnergy Solutions file for bankruptcy?
What was FirstEnergy Corp fined for in July 2021?
What are the categories of business that FirstEnergy is involved in?