Under what circumstances will the credit union not be liable if there is not enough money in the account to make a transaction?
What circumstances can increase the liability for unauthorized transactions?
What is the grace period for withdrawing funds from a share certificate?
How can shares be transferred?
Can I make withdrawals of dividends from my account?
In what situation will the credit union not be liable if the ATM or network system was not working properly?
What are the different types of checking accounts offered by First Imperial Credit Union?
What happens if the balance in the Regular Checking Account remains at zero with no activity for three consecutive months?
Does the liability limit of zero apply to all types of Visa transactions?
What is the minimum deposit required to open a Smart Saver Certificate Account?
What does the term 'you' refer to in the Agreement?
How are dividends paid?
How is the daily periodic rate applied to the balance in my account?
When do dividends begin to accrue on deposited cash or non-cash items?
Will additional deposits extend the maturity date or increase the rate?