Who is the operator of the internet platform finanzritter.com?
Who is the provider of the Facebook Pixel?
Who is responsible for fulfilling the obligations arising from the insurance contracts?
Who is responsible for the business correspondence?
Welchen Webanalysedienst verwendet Vimeo?
Can the recorded phone conversations be listened to by the employees?
What are the responsibilities of FinanzRitter GmbH.com?
Wird die IP-Adresse vor der Auswertung der Nutzungsstatistiken gekürzt?
What are 'Custom Audiences' and how are they used for ad targeting?
How does the Facebook Pixel determine the target audience for displaying ads?
How are the collected data processed?
Wie werden die Nutzungsstatistiken von Google Analytics analysiert?
Welche Technologien werden zur statistischen Erfassung und Analyse des Nutzungsverhaltens verwendet?
What criteria are used to target specific audiences with advertising?
What information is considered as the basis for the consultation?