What does Filtered offer to organizations?
How does Filtered help automate and streamline the hiring process?
What frameworks and tools are supported by Filtered for front-end assessments?
What integrations does Filtered support?
What services does Filtered provide after candidates apply for a position?
How did Filtered help the company's single recruiting manager?
How did Filtered help in identifying candidates that were a 'true fit'?
What are the benefits of using Filtered?
How does Filtered handle employee access to customer data?
What insights does Filtered provide to select top candidates?
What capabilities of Filtered were important for the car rental corporation's hiring process?
What was the improvement in the interview-to-hire ratio after using Filtered?
What was the impact of Filtered on the company's ability to expand their team?
How did Filtered streamline the hiring workflow for the car rental corporation?
Is Filtered currently hiring?