How is the degree of digitalization of transfer pricing processes assessed by experts?
What should verrechnungspreisexperten analyze in their own company regarding digitalization?
Welche Arten von Verrechnungspreis-Tools gibt es?
What is the relationship between digitalization of transfer pricing processes and tax compliance management systems?
Which provisions of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods of 1980 are excluded?
Warum wird der Einsatz von Technologie im Transfer Pricing immer wichtiger?
What should TP managers do to articulate their expectations to the IT department?
Wie werden die Auswertungen in Data-Analytics-Tools visualisiert?
Welche Verhaltensweisen sind in Bezug auf den Einsatz von Office-Anwendungen im Verrechnungspreismanagement zu beobachten?
Wie viele Fragen wurden in der Studie erarbeitet?
How can this Agreement be modified or amended?
What are the signs of shifting the tasks of automating transfer pricing management?
Welche Implikationen hat die Einbindung von TP in das IT-Projektportfolio?
What are some challenges faced by companies in transfer pricing?
What is the current state of digitalization in verrechnungspreismanagement?