What are the customer's remedies if they claim that the Evisort Platform or Services infringe a third party's intellectual property right?
How often can Customer request the Audit Report?
What is the purpose of the bug bounty program?
What is the purpose of routine validation of procedures in the disaster recovery program?
What are the primary roles in the GDPR structure?
What is Evisort's obligation when reporting or responding to a Security Incident?
How should notices, consents, and approvals under the Agreement be delivered?
Under what circumstances can a party assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party?
How long may data remain in immutable electronic backups maintained by Evisort?
What warranties are provided by the parties?
What encryption standards does Evisort utilize?
Does Evisort have an obligation to monitor Customer's use of the Evisort Platform and Services?
Can the Customer transfer any software, technology, or information from the Evisort Platform in violation of export control laws?
What is the scope of the audit report?
What type of relationship is created as a result of the Agreement?