Where is Harwich located?
When did Harwich become a naval base?
What are some notable places or organizations associated with Harwich?
When was Harwich Dockyard established as a Naval Dockyard?
What are the notable public buildings in Harwich?
What role did Harwich play in the Napoleonic and world wars?
What is the origin of the name 'Harwich'?
What is the architectural heritage of Harwich?
What hotels can be seen on the quayside in Harwich?
What radio stations serve the town of Harwich?
What are the extant medieval structures in Harwich?
What is the name of the local newspaper in Harwich?
When was Harwich targeted by French forces during the Hundred Years' War?
What sports clubs are based in Harwich?
Who were some notable residents of Harwich?