What does 'Pro Rata Share' mean?
Who is the practice manager?
Who is the insurance carrier for your insurance policies?
Who is the carrier for the Excess Professional Liability policy?
What is EmPRO International Limited?
Who is involved in the Agreement?
Who selects the auditors and what is their role?
What is the role of the Board of Governors?
What risk management services does EmPRO provide?
Does the Applicant employ a Risk Manager?
Who is involved in the Subscriber's Agreement and Power of Attorney?
Who has ultimate power and responsibility for the management and control of PRI?
What legal firm is responsible for defending the claims?
Who is responsible for billing and collection of premium from participating policyholders?
Does any physician or prospective insured of the Group wholly or partially own or directly or indirectly operate or serve as an executive or administrative officer, medical director, or department head for any hospital, nursing home, non-hospital surgical center, urgent care clinic, commercial laboratory, government agency, or other facility or organization?