What is Emilio Pucci's background?
What was Emilio Pucci's profession?
Who was Emilio Pucci?
When and where was Emilio Pucci born?
Where did Emilio Pucci live and work?
What was Emilio Pucci's contribution to fashion?
What were Emilio Pucci's hobbies?
Who are some notable clients of Emilio Pucci?
What did Emilio Pucci do during World War II?
What is the website of Emilio Pucci?
Who encouraged Emilio Pucci to use his designs in blouses?
When was Emilio Pucci founded?
Which awards did Emilio Pucci receive in the early 1950s?
Where is the headquarters of Emilio Pucci located?
What type of products does Emilio Pucci offer?