What is the focus of economic development planning or implementation projects related to recovery and resilience?
How many jobs will be created by the Public Works projects announced from February 22-29, 2024?
What is the purpose of the Local Technical Assistance projects announced by the U.S. Economic Development Administration from February 22-29, 2024?
What are the types of projects included in the investments?
How much private investment will be leveraged by the Public Works projects?
What types of projects are considered for funding by the U.S. Economic Development Administration?
When should the Certificate of Indirect Costs – De Minimis Rate Template be used?
What are EDA's FOIA Proactive Disclosures?
Under what circumstances can EDDs be required to submit a cost allocation plan or an indirect cost rate proposal?
How many jobs will be created by the Economic Adjustment Assistance projects announced by the U.S. Economic Development Administration from February 22-29, 2024?
What records can be accessed in the Department of Commerce Electronic Reading Room?
What are EDA's investment priorities?
How often do grantees with non-construction awards need to submit questionnaires?
What are the investment priorities of the U.S. Economic Development Administration?
What is the focus of economic development planning or implementation projects related to workforce development?