What is Anthony Marano's specialization in orthotic management?
What is the clinical expertise of Mr. Berger?
What is Durable Medical Equipment (DME)?
What sets East Coast Orthotic & Prosthetic Corp. apart from other similar companies?
What is Anthony Marano's professional background?
What is the experience of Mr. Berger in prosthetic design and fabrication?
What is a provider?
What is Miguel Gomez's experience and specialization?
What is Mr. Benenati's experience in operations and production management?
What is Mr. Mitchell's role at East Coast Orthotic & Prosthetic?
What is Mr. Christopher G. Berger's area of expertise?
Who are the prosthetists in the clinical team?
What is Anthony Marano's experience in lower limb prosthetics?
What is Anthony Marano's role at East Coast Orthotic & Prosthetic Corp.?
What is the role of an orthotist?