What are Alan Ozur's specialties?
What is Alan Ozur's role at EA RESIG LLC?
What are the responsibilities of Zhi Man Huang?
What is Svetlana Fishilevich's role at EA RESIG LLC?
What are Debra Schoenberg's specialties?
What does Debra Schoenberg manage for real estate private equity funds?
What are the best practices for winding down or terminating a real estate investment fund?
What is Anna Odro's role at EA RESIG LLC?
What is Daniel Kaplan's experience in the real estate industry?
How many years of experience does Robert Kahwaty have?
What type of funds does RESIG work with?
Who are the partners and leaders of the EA RESIG team?
Who are Lisa Knee's clients?
What is one of the critical functions that a fund must tackle?
What are Anna Odro's specialties?