Under what circumstances can the service provider request additional security from the client?
What is the consequence of the taxpayer's failure to provide sufficient insight into the actual return achieved?
Wat is estate planning?
Under what circumstances is the Client allowed to provide the products to third parties without the written permission of the Contractor?
What is the scope of the Opdracht / Overeenkomst?
Who is considered the Opdrachtnemer?
What is the maximum compensation for damages?
Can the Agreement be terminated by either party at any time?
What are the Werkzaamheden?
In which languages are these general terms and conditions available?
What costs are charged in addition to the fee?
Who is considered the Opdrachtgever?
What actions should Opdrachtgever and Opdrachtnemer take to prevent the mentioned risks?
Wat heeft de Hoge Raad geoordeeld in het Kerstarrest?
Hoe wordt het voordeel uit sparen en beleggen berekend volgens de nieuwe wet?