Welke prijzen heeft Daléro gewonnen?
Hoe besteedt Hans zijn tijd als AA accountant?
What happens if a complaint is not filed in a timely manner?
What will the Processor do after the Agreement is terminated?
What law is applicable to this agreement?
Wat is de focus van Daléro?
Is Opdrachtnemer allowed to use the information provided by Opdrachtgever for a different purpose?
Waarom is het belangrijk om een persoonlijke band op te bouwen met De Beer?
What happens in case of a return?
What is the focus of the company when it comes to its employees?
What is the history of the building at Tivolistraat 6 in Tilburg?
Waar woont Erik van der Steen?
How does the company support the professional development of its employees?
What happens if one or more provisions of the processing agreement are invalid or destroyed?
Where are the Data stored and processed?