Which publications may not score their reviews?
What is the rating system used by Computer Game Review (CGR)?
Which publications have a 5-star rating system?
What is the rating system used by Computer Games Magazine (CGM)?
What are the parameters for custom reviewers?
How should star ratings be converted?
How should reviews from publications like Electronic Gaming Monthly and Famitsu be included in the table?
What is the rating system used by Game Informer (GI)?
What is the rating system used by Famitsu (Fam)?
What is the rating system used by Edge?
What is the rating system used by Consoles + (CP)?
What information does the documentation provide about video game reviews?
Which publications should be used for reviews from Super Game Power?
How should reviews be included in the reception section?
What is the rating system used by Eurogamer (EuroG)?