What is Elisabetta Ghisini's expertise?
What organizations has Elisabetta Ghisini served on the Board of?
Who does ContinuumLab collaborate with?
What is the purpose of ContinuumLab AI's collaboration with the D^3 Institute?
What are Luisa Cadelli's interests and hobbies?
What is Luisa Cadelli's background and education?
What is ContinuumLab creating?
What is Christine Wood's role at ContinuumLab?
What roles has Alex Indick occupied at Continuum?
What is the Circular Economy?
What is Hamza Amrani's educational background?
Who are some of the speakers at the Catalyst event?
Where did Elisabetta Ghisini start her career?
What was the main aim of the program?
Who led the SIP program?