What is video game development?
Why is PC development different from console development?
What are the different phases involved in the development of mainstream commercial PC and console games?
Who is responsible for developing a video game?
How much did a mainstream console video game cost to develop in 2005?
How long does it usually take to develop a commercial PC or console game?
How do developers maintain their software in online console games?
What led to the difficulty for a single person to produce a mainstream console or PC game in the late '80s and '90s?
What are the different programming disciplines in game development?
What tasks did a single programmer handle in the early era of home computers and video game consoles?
What is the process of game development, production, or design?
What is the main stage of game development?
When were the first video games developed and what were their characteristics?
When did the development of the first video games begin?
When were the first video games developed?