What are City Construction Group's core values?
When was City Construction Group founded?
What services does City Construction Group provide?
Who has used City Construction on multiple interior build-out projects?
What is the feedback from Kluger, Kaplan, Silverman, Katzen & Levine, P.L. about City Construction?
How long has SABMiller Latin America been working with City Construction?
What type of construction project did Terremark Technology Contractors enlist City Construction for?
What is the feedback from Itau Private Bank International about City Construction?
What is the feedback from Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP about City Construction?
What is the reputation of City Construction in the community?
How did City Construction handle the project in an occupied office space?
What is the overall satisfaction level with City Construction's quality of construction?
What project did City Construction Group handle in the summer of 2013?
What were the elements included in the build-out project?
Why was City Construction Group selected for the project?