What is the official website of Chipotle Mexican Grill?
When was Chipotle Mexican Grill established?
Where is Chipotle Mexican Grill's corporate headquarters located?
Which organization ranked Chipotle as the best Mexican fast-food chain in 2011?
What cuisines did Chipotle try to diversify into?
What is Chipotle's specialization in terms of food?
Who did Chipotle hire in December 2010 to develop new cuisine?
What did Chipotle rely on employees to do in terms of cooking methods?
What non-food item did Chipotle add to the menu?
What did Chipotle publicly acknowledge about their use of fresh produce and meats?
What is the location of Chipotle's original restaurant?
What sustainable features are incorporated in Chipotle's restaurants?
Why did Chipotle pull carnitas from its menu in 2015?
What did Chipotle's management appear to be doing according to The New York Times?
What is Chippy and how is Chipotle using it?