What is Che Guevara's full name?
What was Che Guevara's full name?
What is Che Guevara's profession?
What did Che Guevara do for a living?
When and where was Che Guevara born?
Where was Che Guevara born?
What were Che Guevara's professions?
What is Che Guevara's birthdate and place of birth?
What are some of Che Guevara's roles and professions?
What did Che Guevara do during his time abroad?
What were Che Guevara's occupations?
Where did Che Guevara make his last public appearance?
What is Che Guevara's famous symbol?
What was Che Guevara's role as commander?
What is Che Guevara's political stance?