What is Caterpillar Inc.?
What is the history of Caterpillar Inc.?
What organizations is Caterpillar Inc. a member of?
When was Caterpillar Inc. formed?
When was Caterpillar Inc. founded?
When was Caterpillar Inc. established?
What are some categories that Caterpillar Inc. falls under?
What products does Caterpillar Inc. license and market?
Where was Caterpillar Inc. headquartered until 1930?
Where did Caterpillar Tractor Company announce plans to move its global headquarters to?
What acquisitions has Caterpillar Inc. made?
What are some of the acquisitions made by Caterpillar Inc.?
What subsidiaries does Caterpillar Inc. have?
What products does Caterpillar manufacture?
What trademark claims has Caterpillar made?