How does Canpotex supply potash to the world?
How many North American export terminals does Canpotex operate?
How does Canpotex view its employees?
What is Gordon McKenzie's background and experience in the fertilizer sector?
What are the core principles of Canpotex's supply chain mission?
What is Canpotex Limited's contact number?
Where is Canpotex's global headquarters located?
Which countries did Canpotex provide support to during the COVID-19 pandemic?
What is Canpotex's relationship with Indigenous peoples?
What is Canpotex's mission?
What is Canpotex's focus in terms of gender diversity in the potash industry?
What initiatives did Canpotex implement to support employees during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Does Canpotex have a reporting hotline for ethical or legal issues?
Who was invited to give a presentation to Canpotex employees?
What is the reason for the loss of export capacity at Neptune Terminals?