Who has access to the information collected?
Are the data encrypted and password protected?
What contact and identifying details does Cambridgeshire County Council collect?
What type of information is volunteered by people taking part in consultations?
What is the contact information for the Data Protection Officer?
What information is shared as part of complaints, compliments, or appeals?
What responsibilities does the Children's and Safeguarding service of Cambridgeshire County Council have?
What responsibilities does the Public Transport team have?
What does the County Planning, Minerals and Waste service do?
What standards of security and confidentiality must the organisations meet?
What are our statutory functions in relation to health?
Can I request that my data is not used in a certain way?
What rights do I have regarding my personal data?
What is the English National Concessionary Travel Scheme (ENCTS)?
What information do we ask for when booking support?