Where is the corporate headquarters of Newell located?
Where is the global headquarters of Newell Brands located?
Where was the Newell Manufacturing Company's corporate headquarters located in 2016?
When was the Newell Manufacturing Company founded?
When did Newell move its corporate headquarters from Atlanta to Hoboken, New Jersey?
When did Newell return its corporate headquarters to Atlanta?
When did Newell Company go public?
What companies did Newell acquire in 1992?
What are some of the brands owned by Newell Brands?
Is Newell listed on the Nasdaq?
What brands did Newell Rubbermaid acquire from American Tool Companies?
What was the ticker symbol for Newell Company on the New York Stock Exchange?
What brands did Newell Rubbermaid acquire from American Saw and Manufacturing Company?
What was the nickname given to the merger between Newell and Rubbermaid in 2003?
Which brands did Newell Rubbermaid acquire from Gillette's stationery products business?