Werden Log-Daten für Analysezwecke verwendet?
What are considered personal data?
What is included in the annual audits of CADOOZ and its subcontractors?
What is the Google Tag Manager and how is it used for analysis and marketing purposes?
What happens if the gift cards are used for a different purpose than specified by cadooz?
Welche Altersanforderungen müssen erfüllt sein, um die Geschenkkarten einzulösen?
What does CADOOZ do in response to a written request from the company regarding data protection and security?
Where can I find more information about the Google Tag Manager?
Werden personenbeziehbare Daten mit Log-Daten verknüpft?
What are the special conditions for the sale of EmployeeChoice vouchers?
Können die Geschenkkarten gegen Bargeld oder Guthaben eingelöst werden?
What data is anonymized or pseudonymized?
What are the obligations related to the distribution of gift cards?
What are the restrictions on offering or selling gift cards?
What is the purpose of the 'AnalyticsSyncHistory' cookie?