What rights does a data subject have in connection with the processing of personal data?
What is the legal basis for the data processing?
Is personal data passed on to third parties when contacting the company via email?
Does LinkedIn share personal data with cadooz GmbH?
How is the content displayed on the website?
What technical and organizational measures are implemented by CADOOZ?
How is separation control implemented to process data collected for different purposes?
Can the COMPANY object to the appointment or replacement of a future ADDITIONAL COMMISSIONED DATA PROCESSOR?
Is the company willing to participate in dispute settlement proceedings before a consumer arbitration board?
What is the purpose of extended conversions from Google Analytics?
How is web analysis used to optimize the websites?
What data is collected by the LinkedIn Insight Tag?
What topics are covered in the 'cadooz News' category?
What service is used to prevent fraud on the website?
Can users delete their own ratings?