What is the requirement for each servicing motor carrier?
How should the shipper pay the broker?
What are the limits of the contingent auto liability insurance maintained by the broker?
What must the SHIPPER provide when tendering hazardous materials or dangerous goods?
What happens if the information provided by SHIPPER is inaccurate or incomplete?
What happens if the shipper fails to cooperate with the broker in filing claims?
How should the rates and charges be agreed upon?
What is the indemnification and limitation of liability clause?
What does the shipper need to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the broker from?
How can Bulkmatic Solutions help with unplanned changes in demand?
What efforts does the broker make to place shipper's loads?
What services does Bulkmatic Solutions offer?
Can a Food Handling Notice apply to multiple shipments?
What laws and regulations does the broker agree to comply with?
What representations or warranties does the shipper make when loading a trailer?