How many establishments does the Buca di Beppo chain have?
When was the first Buca di Beppo restaurant opened?
What type of food does Buca di Beppo specialize in?
What is the signature feature of Buca di Beppo restaurants?
What does the name Buca di Beppo mean in Italian?
Does Buca di Beppo have a lunch menu?
Who founded Buca di Beppo?
Where did Buca di Beppo move its headquarters in 2011?
What stock exchange is Buca di Beppo listed on?
Who was charged with stealing from Buca di Beppo in 2006?
What caused business losses for Buca di Beppo in 2005?
When did Buca di Beppo acquire the Vinny T's stores?
When did the credit card breach affecting Buca di Beppo occur?
When did Planet Hollywood acquire the Buca chain?
What is the Buca Mia menu?