What is Bryn Terfel's profession?
What is Bryn Terfel's nationality?
Where was Bryn Terfel born?
When was Bryn Terfel born?
What is Bryn Terfel's repertoire?
What is the name of the DVD featuring Bryn Terfel?
What was Bryn Terfel's first language?
What awards has Bryn Terfel received?
What is the name of Bryn Terfel's solo discography?
Where did Bryn Terfel have a recital in 1998?
Who was Bryn Terfel married to and when did they divorce?
Where did Bryn Terfel study music?
What honour did Bryn Terfel receive from the National Eisteddfod?
When did Bryn Terfel make his United States debut?
Which Welsh choir is Bryn Terfel a vice president of?