How many Bondurant Mixson lawyers were recognized as being among the top lawyers in Georgia in 2017?
What was the settlement amount achieved by Bondurant Mixson in an antitrust case?
How many Bondurant Mixson lawyers were recognized as being among the top lawyers in Georgia in 2013?
Who was named Attorney of the Month by Attorney At Law Magazine?
Which partners of Bondurant Mixson were identified as leading litigation lawyers in the United States in 2005?
Which Bondurant Mixson partners were recognized by Chambers USA in 2010?
Who was featured in an interview on Law Business Insiders 'America's Premiere Lawyers Series' about their victory in the David McDavid Trial?
What was the #2 Jury Verdict in 2008 according to LawyersUSA?
What is the Bondurant Mixson & Elmore Summer Internship Program at Georgia Justice Project?
Who won a reversal in an 11th Circuit appeal?
Who was quoted in Bloomberg News?
What is the date of the settlement in the short-selling lawsuit involving TASER?
What is the contact information for Bondurant Mixson & Elmore LLP?
Who was elected as the new Chair of the MARTA Board of Directors?
Who was elected to the American Academy of Appellate Lawyers?