What is the topic of the book 'The Grammar Dimension in Instructed Second Language Learning'?
Who is the author of the book 'Language, Education and Discourse'?
What is the role of grammatical competence in second or foreign language learning?
What are the principles for facilitating second language acquisition according to Tomlinson?
What are some vocabulary items included in the grade two book?
What is the role of language in thinking, learning, and social life?
What are the principles of instructed second language learning?
What is the title of the book 'An Introduction to Functional Grammar'?
Should instructions for what students have to do in the second language be written in the first language?
What is the role of English in the instruction?
What are some recommended grammar teaching resources?
What is the focus of grammar in EFL?
What research is currently available on the effects of vocabulary instruction on reading development in L2 learners?
What does the handbook for the Additional Diploma in Teaching English (ESOL) emphasize?
What are the dimensions that separate L2 fluent and less fluent readers?