What services does Bhatia & Co, Inc provide?
Where is the US entity of Bhatia & Co, Inc located?
When was the Indian organization, Neeraj Bhatia & Co., established?
What type of organization is Neeraj Bhatia & Co.?
Where are the offices of Bhatia & Co, Inc in the US located?
What services are handled by SmoothImmigration.com?
What are the different voluntary disclosure programs available?
What is the significance of transfer pricing agreements?
What are the criteria for determining US and Foreign persons for tax purposes?
What forms need to be prepared and filed for FBAR, Form 8938, 5471, 5472, 3520, 926, 8865, etc.?
Who is the President of Bhatia & Co, Inc?
What is Neeraj Bhatia's expertise?
Where are the offices of Bhatia & Co, Inc located?
What awards has Neeraj Bhatia received?
Who is the Partner in-charge of the India office?