What rights do individuals have regarding their personal data?
What was the increase in population in Watford from 2011 to 2021?
What career paths are available at the Office for National Statistics?
When did the railway line open from Barnard Castle to Tebay?
What was the percentage-point fall in the proportion of disabled residents in Watford?
What information does the documentation provide about ethnic group, national identity, religion, and language?
Which company is the largest employer in Barnard Castle?
What is the title of Charles Dickens' new weekly?
What tools does the ONS use to collect data?
What is the name of the primary school for 4-11 year olds in Barnard Castle?
How long has the Barnard Castle Band been in existence?
What is the location of Barnard Castle?
Which local authorities in Wales have the highest proportion of people describing their religion as 'Christian'?
What events are organized by the Meet Committee?
What was the population density in Pendle in 2021?