What industries did Rand research to depict the industrial setting of Atlas Shrugged?
What happens to society in Atlas Shrugged when independent productive agencies are socially demonized?
What is the moral premise of the political system in Atlas Shrugged?
Has Atlas Shrugged influenced any thinkers and politicians?
What is the genre of Atlas Shrugged?
What are some themes explored in Atlas Shrugged?
What philosophical themes are explored in Atlas Shrugged?
Who is the author of Atlas Shrugged?
What is the plot of Atlas Shrugged?
What role did Atlas Shrugged play in Rand's life?
Why did Rand have no trouble attracting a publisher for Atlas Shrugged?
What is the setting of Atlas Shrugged?
Why did Rand choose the title 'Atlas Shrugged'?
What is the significance of Atlas Shrugged in the game?
What was the reception of Atlas Shrugged: Part I?