How does ASR PTS for Google Glass simplify the workflow?
Who has been awarded the Global Business Support (GBS) Contracts by the US Department of Navy?
What are the service offerings of ASR International Corporation?
What is the requirement for annual renewal under the VAR?
What are the prohibitions set forth in Parts 7.5 and 37.1 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)?
What certifications does ASR International Corporation have?
Who is celebrating their 90th birthday?
What are some examples of firearms?
What checks and assessments are conducted by base security prior to the start of contract performance?
What information should the Contractor use to fill in applicable fields in WAWF?
What is the potential value of the Global Business Support (GBS) Contracts awarded by the US Department of Navy?
What are the features and benefits of the ASR PTS for Google Glass application?
What is the contract number?
Where has Mr. Phil Metzner worked before?
What is a DoD CAC?