What training advice is provided for using the product?
How have Ark Pest Control staff been described in terms of their knowledge and professionalism?
What does the IHS training aim to educate and provide clarity around?
Where will the Pest Awareness training take place?
Who prepared the document and what training did they receive?
What does the IHS training cover in terms of health and safety?
What is the purpose of the Integrated Hygiene Solution (IHS) training?
What does the IHS training cover in terms of cleaning operations?
What does the IHS training cover in terms of pest prevention?
What is the classification procedure according to Regulation (EC) 1272/2008?
Where can advice on product handling be found?
What certifications and training certificates do the operatives hold?
What services does ARK Pest Control Ltd specialize in?
What is the WHO classification of the product?