What adjustments should shareholders make when reporting cost basis information on their federal income tax returns?
What does the documentation provide information about?
What information is included in the Statement of Additional Information (SAI)?
What fees may be charged by a financial intermediary in addition to the payments received from the Adviser and/or its affiliates?
How does the Funds collect missing information on the application?
Under what circumstances would the Adviser price securities at fair value for stocks of U.S. companies traded on U.S. exchanges?
What costs would I have to pay if my shares were redeemed in-kind?
What circumstances can cause an account to be flagged as unclaimed?
Can an investor purchase more than one share class?
From where does the Funds collect nonpublic personal information?
Do the payments made by the Adviser and/or its affiliates to financial intermediaries affect the NAV or price of a Fund's shares?
What is price or time zone arbitrage?
What are the measures taken by the Funds to deter frequent trading?
How does the Funds monitor excessive short-term trading in omnibus accounts?
Can the Trust make changes to the information provided in the prospectus and SAI?