Where was Ann M. Martin born?
When was Ann M. Martin born?
What is Ann M. Martin's educational background?
What are some of Ann M. Martin's interests?
What is the Ann M. Martin Foundation?
How many cats and dogs does Ann M. Martin have?
Where can the outlines and other materials used by Ann M. Martin to write the books be found?
Who did Ann M. Martin base the character Mary Anne Spier on?
What is The Baby-Sitters Club?
Who is the author of The Baby-Sitters Club series?
Are there any non-ghostwritten books in the Baby-Sitters Club series?
How long is each book in The Baby-Sitters Club series?
Are there any spin-off series or additional books in The Baby-Sitters Club?
How many books are there in total in The Baby-Sitters Club series?
What are the different translations of the Baby-Sitters Club books?