What services does Angeion Group provide?
What are some of Derek's professional experiences before joining Angeion Group?
What is Christian J. Clapp's role at Angeion Group?
What types of cases can TPFs help with in terms of documentation?
What is the email address to contact Angeion Group?
What is the address of Angeion Group International's London office?
How much money has Angeion distributed to class members?
How does ClaimClam identify class members?
What is the role of third-party filers (TPFs) in the claims process?
What services does Angeion Group International provide?
What is Shawn Naugle's background and expertise?
What is the contact information for Angeion Group's headquarters in Philadelphia?
What is the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 (CAFA) and how does Angeion Group help with compliance?
What does Angeion's team do during the consultation?
What is the address of Angeion Group's company headquarters?