Under what circumstances will Identifying Information be provided to a third party?
Can the Root Account be credited and a holding account debited before the transfer of funds from the Deposit Accounts?
What happens in case of the liquidation, closing, or winding up of an insured depository institution?
What happens if a Triggering Event for a Program Withdrawal occurs?
How will the Deposit Accounts be titled?
What actions can the custodian take as your custodian?
What options are available if I cannot accept the risk of having a deposit that is not fully insured?
What types of accounts can deposits be placed in?
How are deposits in the Root Account aggregated for application of the SMDIA?
Is a deposit in the Root Account NCUA-insured if the Root Account is not eligible for NCUA insurance coverage?
When does the DPR period occur?
What is the condition for honoring debit transactions in the Root Account?
What actions can the custodian take with time deposits?
Will the uninsured portion be reimbursed if the Destination Institution fails and the uninsured portion is not otherwise recovered?
Who can provide instructions on behalf of the depositor?