Why is it important to find a brokerage with a sizable network of carriers in your area?
What is step two in the freight brokerage selection journey?
How do good freight brokers handle issues?
Why is it important for a brokerage to maintain and add to their carrier network?
What is the importance of selecting a freight brokerage with a good track record?
Why is it important to vet a potential freight brokerage partner based on financial health?
How can you determine if a freight brokerage is reliable?
What load-tracking technologies do you utilize?
What should you look for when considering the length of carrier relationships?
How long are spot quotes usually good for?
What are some phone applications that can be used for load-tracking?
What is the importance of selecting a partner with a long history of operation?
What capabilities do freight brokerages offer to their customers?
Why do brokers with poor service quality rarely stick around long?
What are this freight broker’s strengths?