What is the average salary increase of teachers from the prior year 2023?
What grade is the youngest child in Yuma North?
How are students selected if the number of applications exceeds the capacity?
What grades does the Tucson campus include?
What do parents say about Phoenix Camelback?
What is the student to staff ratio at AmeriSchools Academy?
What is the age requirement for registering a child at AmeriSchools Phoenix?
What activities are available for families?
What activities for families are offered at AmeriSchools Academy?
What do the children think of their school at Phoenix Camelback?
What documents do I need to provide for proof of residency?
What factors are admission based upon?
What extracurricular activities are available at AmeriSchools Phoenix?
What are the core values of AmeriSchools Academy?
What grades does the Phoenix school cater to?